
Janice is 4 inches shorter than David, and David is 2 inches shorter than Evan. If Evan is 13 inches taller than Kathleen and Kathleen is 6 inches shorter than Krysta, by how many inches is Janice taller than Krysta?

Accepted Solution

Answer: Janice is 1 inch taller than Krysta.Step-by-step explanation:Let the height of Krysta denoted by h .According to the given statements , we will write height of each person in terms of 'h'.  Kathleen is 6 inches shorter than Krysta.i.e. Height of Kathleen = h-6Evan is 13 inches taller than Kathleen.i.e. Height of Evan = (h-6)+13=h-6+13=h+7i.e. Height of Evan =h+7David is 2 inches shorter than Evan.i.e. Height of David = (h+7)-2  =h+7-2 Height of David =h+5Janice is 4 inches shorter than David.i.e. Height of Janice= (h+5)-4=h+1i.e. height of Janice = height of Krysta+  1 inch  [∵ h= height of Krysta]⇒ Janice is 1 inch taller than Krysta.