
A group of art students are painting a mural on a walls the rectangular wall has dimensions of (6x+7) by (8x+5) and they are planning the mural to be (x+4) by(2x+5). What is the area of the remaining wall after the mural has been painted

Accepted Solution

Answer:46x^2 + 73x + 15Step-by-step explanation:Expand both equationsWall = (6x + 7)(8x + 5) = 48x^2 + 56x + 30x + 35 = 48x^2 + 86x + 35Mural = (x + 4)(2x + 5) = 2x^2 + 5x + 8x + 20 = 2x^2 + 13x + 20Minus them.Wall - Mural =(48x^2 + 86x + 35) - (2x^2 + 13x + 20)(48x^2 - 2x^2) + (86x - 13x) + (35 - 20)46x^2 + 73x + 15